Tribute Wall

Claire Kressner posted a condolence
Wednesday, January 18, 2023
Dear Janice, Ray, and family. So very sorry to hear about Carol, she loved her family and life, I know she will be truly missed by everyone that was lucky enough to know her. I always enjoyed our chats when she would come for her hair cuts. Thinking of you during this most difficult time, deepest sympathy Claire
Barbara MacLeod posted a condolence
Monday, January 9, 2023
To Carole's family. Keith and I share our sadness on her passing but our joy for all the wonderful memories we have of times past. Carol and I (Barbara) go back as far as junior high when we were singing together in school musicals. Then I also stood with her in her marriage to Ian. So many great visits to their Toronto home and then the sadness of the breakup. However so much joy returned when she and Hugh became partners and again wonderful meals and visits in Toronto. The best was when they bought the home in Goose Cove and she truly was in her happy place with her Pottery Studio. She was indeed a joy to be with and loved her family beyond words. It is always difficult to part with a loved one but your memories will last forever. She was so proud of her grandchildren and loved to be part of all the activities. It has been a difficult time for your family with the loss of Allan such a short time ago. In our thoughts and prayers. Barbara and Keith MacLeod
Sandra Kay and Peter Bauer uploaded photo(s)
Saturday, January 7, 2023

So many memories…Carole took this photo that hangs in our front hall, a reminder of that perfect, foggy day so many years ago that we spent exploring Big Barren, near Baddeck. Condolences and love to all her dear ones.
Mary McDonald posted a condolence
Friday, January 6, 2023
My deepest sympathy to Carole’s family and friends.
Jolie Morrison posted a condolence
Thursday, January 5, 2023
So saddened and sorry to hear of Carole's passing. To put feeling into word she had an aura and presence that just brought the vibration up. I am blessed and honored to have known you Carole. Fly high
Audree Coyle posted a condolence
Wednesday, January 4, 2023
My sincerest sympathy to Carole MacDonald's family and dear friends at this time of her passing.
I had the pleasure of meeting Carole many years ago in Goose Cove at her amazing home and studio overlookig St Anne's Bay..
Carole's always welcoming and gracious hospitality, her many kindnesses, her vibrant spirit and talent I will always remember with so much fondness.
To you Jeannette, your sisters and your families ...may you have some comfort knowing your friends have you in their thoughts and hearts st this time of sadness.
Carole left to you each a lasting and wonderful legacy.
With warm affection,
Audree Coyle
Diane Morrison Lachowiez lit a candle
Wednesday, January 4, 2023

To Carole's Family & Friends,
I did not know Carole but I do know it would have been a privilege to meet such a kind and talented person. My deepest sympathy to Carole's family and her sisters.
Diane Morrison Lachowiez
Audrey Brocklehurst posted a condolence
Wednesday, January 4, 2023
To Carol's Family:
My deepest sympathy on the death of your Mother. I always Loved Carol and enjoyed all the reunions she hosted at St Ann's. She was generous, kind, compassionate and always welcomed me into her home. She was an awesome hostess. I will miss our chats and the many laughs we shared. I will pray for Peace on her life in Eternity. May God bless you all with Courage, Strength and Peace in this your time of sorrow and loss. Rest in Peace my Love.
Love and Prayers,
Audrey M Brocklehurst (proud Cousin)
Janice Bayer uploaded photo(s)
Wednesday, January 4, 2023

Barb Morrison-egan posted a condolence
Wednesday, January 4, 2023
To Carole's family: I am saddened to read of Carole's passing. She was my neighbour in Goose Cove for many years and was my son's first job...The Goose Cove pottery shop. She was a wonderful friend and neighbour. Rest easy beautiful lady, the world is a darker place without your beautiful smile and spirit. love Barb
Rachel Devan and Izzy uploaded photo(s)
Tuesday, January 3, 2023




+ 1
To all of Carole’s family, we send our love and deepest condolences. We first corresponded with Carole in the spring of 2000. That summer, we became her first renters at the newly-rehabbed Mackenzie House, up the driveway from her home in Goose Cove. She had poured so much of herself into the place and she welcomed us there with warmth, humor, curiosity, and a twinkle in her eye. She had us down for dinner, of course-- maybe even twice that week. We could not believe what we had stumbled into. We came back for longer and longer every year that followed, first continuing with our friends Robert and Dan, and then just by ourselves. It’s hard to say exactly when Carole became family to us. Certainly before Izzy was born in 2006 and we drove down to St. Ann’s Bay with a six-week-old in tow. Possibly even before she informed us that she would like to sell us the Mackenzie House so we’d better start saving. Carole changed the direction of our lives. We’re far from the only ones. She took us in unconditionally and we would not be who we are without her. It is nearly impossible to believe she will not be around to talk to, to pull up a chair beside and maybe a glass and something to nibble on and get down to it. There is a gap in the world now. Who can you talk to like Carole? Others have mentioned the incredible meals she assembled, her strength and wit and quality of caring, her astounding hosting and hospitality, the deep inspiration of the soulful life she built-- yes to all this, so very yes. But right this moment it’s the overwhelming loss of just pulling up beside her and talking through every possible thing, bit by bit, no rush. So many stories. Maybe only for an hour or two, reconvene tomorrow to continue. She visited us in New York City a couple times with Hugh and once with Jenny. She was just as much herself on the city streets as in Cape Breton. It felt like Carole could do anything, if she wanted. The change in her health the past couple of years made an impact and she had already been grudging about her declining mobility and independence. She was plain-spoken about her disinterest in a life further down that trajectory. We are happy for her that she doesn’t have to endure that. We just want her in our lives longer. Just a few more visits. And then a few more. We miss her so dearly already. We want to express our gratitude not only to Carole but to everyone in the family. Thank you for welcoming us so graciously over the years and letting us be part of it all. You are all in our hearts always.
Rachel, Devan, and Izzy
Deanie cox posted a condolence
Tuesday, January 3, 2023
Deanie Cox sends love to family and friends of Carole
Oh, Carole, you are gone, but not forgotten.
An excellent teacher, and even greater friend. Feeling very sad, but, knowing Carole, she would have hated hanging around if she couldn’t be mobile and coherent.
And so, I’m picturing her flying through the air, released from all worldly troubles.
She didn’t make it to her top floor condo, overlooking where she once lived with her beloved Hugh.
She went even higher.
“We are travelling home, we are travelling home
One by one, we are travelling home.
Across deaths’ river
Our friends have gone.
And we are following, one by one.”
Heanda Radomski lit a candle
Tuesday, January 3, 2023

Dear Janice and Ray, Don and Laura, Doug, Mackenzie, Aengus, Brenna, Andrew, and Jennifer. Wanda, Bonita, Jeannette and Eleanor. My deepest condolences and profound sadness of the loss of my dear friend and your mother, grandmother and sister. Carole's a my friendship spanned for over 40 years. As well as friendship, we were partners in various endeavours, beginning with the juvenile justice volunteer programme, where she volunteered and we met in 1980, designing costumes for the Ward 7 Musical, to co-owning and running the Beach House. Carole lived life to the fullest, and she would often say she had no regrets. When she would visit Toronto, I would pick her up at Don's, and we would go on an expedition to find the best Falafel. When I would visit the Cabot Trail, she would pick me up at the Lobster Galley from the airport shuttle, and I would enter the magical world of Carole. There we would walk the shore while she threw balls for Sadie, sit on her deck and ponder the state of the world, debating, reminiscing, planning, updating me on the comings and goings of her family, and her children's and grandchildren's achievements with pride, or sitting in silence, watching the sunset, the clouds, or looking for eagles.
Carole didn't mince words, and one always knew where you stood with her, She also exhibited unconditional acceptance of one's foibles, She was authentic, had a great sense of humour, wise, fiercely independent, brave and an inspiration to me. She was exceptionally creative, from cooking delicious meals with such ease, her pottery (which I have a selection of her work, and I cherish), to creating a home environment which was stunning and inviting. She opened her home to me, and to many others and never locked her doors - both physically and emotionally.
Carole was profoundly dedicated to her family. She was loyal, kind and compassionate. This was evident in the way she cared for Hugh in his later years and how she always prioritized any family events and celebrations.
I have much more I could say, as my mind is reeling with flashes of memories, from her smile, her nod of "knowing" or disbelief, her sitting on her rope swing, sitting in front of the fire, the lists and plans she always seemed to be making, and all the comfortable and gratifying moments we spent together. I am so grateful to have known her and to have shared so much together.
The world is a sadder place without Carole. I will miss her deeply. May she rest in peace.
With much love, Heanda
Stacey Black uploaded photo(s)
Tuesday, January 3, 2023



It’s difficult to sum up the impact this woman, my mom’s eldest sister, has had on my life.
Born in Cape Breton, Carole spent her early-mid adult years raising her 3 children in the big city of Toronto. Oh boy, did we look forward to summers at their cottage out on the Mira. It’s as though Allistair MacGillivray wrote the song for us.
Despite her own full life, Carole made it a point to kindle meaningful, deep individual connections with all of us nieces and nephews.
My heart sang when she and her late husband, Hugh, bought a summer home in Cape Breton and eventually became permanent residents of Nova Scotia.
She brought us together; the orchestrator of countless family reunions and other magical gatherings including a few family weddings hosted at her beautiful Goose Cove home overlooking St Ann’s Bay. Late lights of stories told, connections made, singing and dancing. Thanksgivings were especially memorable.
She nurtured my love of nature supplying me with my coveted flower press and many Nova Scotia field guides. We dug clams and scouted eagles together.
She was as comfortable and competent in big city scenes as she was tending her Cape Breton garden and traipsing through the woods. She introduced me to milling frolics and square dances.
She was a talented artist, an entrepreneur and my first employer! I loved working in her pottery shop on the Cabot Trail. Her business later became the subject of my first university business plan project.
We could (and did) talk about anything - business, travel, romance, family matters, the list goes on.
She was spicy! And ignited my love for hot and sour soup, Chinese dumplings, chili oil, and bloody caesars.
She was cool AF. Creative, stylish, adventuresome, sharp, fiercely independent and deeply connected and caring.
When asked once what I was like as a teenager, her response was: “she rode the rails real hard but never went off.” I think maybe she spoke from experience.
Now and forever, I love you Auntie Sea.
Arlene MacDonald posted a condolence
Monday, January 2, 2023
To Wanda, Bonnie, Jeannette, Eleanor and families,
Please accept my heartfelt sympathy on the passing of your dear Sister, Mother, Grandmother Carole. She was the first born grandchild of Allan and Annie MacDonald and held the position of Matriarch for our family. Such a wonderful lady who enjoyed the company of everyone she met. So happy to have had some wonderful reunions in St. Ann's and see her in Halifax. She was truly a family cheerleader! Her loss is certainly felt by those who loved her. R. I. P. my dear cousin.
Love and Prayers,
Arlene MacDonald Bedford, N. S.
Janice Bayer uploaded photo(s)
Monday, January 2, 2023

Janice Bayer uploaded photo(s)
Monday, January 2, 2023


The family of Carole Ann MacDonald uploaded a photo
Monday, January 2, 2023

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