Tribute Wall

Paul Fitzgerald posted a condolence
Sunday, June 16, 2024
Buddy and Jean were long time close friends. We shared good times and many happy memories will live with us. Buddy was the ‘leader’ of our golf foursome for over 20 years. We were blessed to have four guys who enjoyed one another’s company together with their wives for so many years. It’s hard to say goodbye to Buddy but the beautiful service held for him by his family was a fitting tribute to a wonderful human being. May time help to ease the grief of family members. Rest in peace Buddy.
Paul and Lorraine Fitzgerald
Dave and Doreen Martin posted a condolence
Friday, June 14, 2024
Buddy was a great friend and golf companion.
So many happy memories of Bud and Jean over the years, whether as neighbours, or at the cottage in PEI, or on the golf course, - Buddy always had a smile and a word of encouragement. Even when he was unable to play golf in recent years, he was always eager to hear how the rest of us played, and he did enjoy participating in the golf pool.
RIP Buddy, - you will be greatly missed,
Marilyn Keeble posted a condolence
Wednesday, June 12, 2024
We hope the fond memories you have of Buddy will help you through this very difficult time.
Marilyn Keeble
Ruby Haverstock
Muriel Lyons
Anita Lane posted a condolence
Tuesday, June 11, 2024
I was a neighbour of Jean and Buddy for several years when they resided in Kirkwood Court. I remember, very well, his sense of humour and welcoming smile whenever we met.
My condolences to all of the family.
laurie jewers posted a condolence
Tuesday, June 11, 2024
So sorry to here of Buddys passing. I grew up on the same street , Agricola. he at number 14 and I at number 8. I remember Buddy being an excellent baseball player and if my memory is correct Buddy played in the old H/d league.He will be so missed by all who knew him.
Sincerly, Laurie Jewers
Lisa Marie (Kelly) Wood posted a condolence
Tuesday, June 11, 2024
Thinking of you Michael, Darren and Jeff! Sending hugs from Alberta on behalf of myself and my dad who loved his brother immensely. Come Fathers Day, I will be with my Dad and wishing sincerely that you could be with yours. We can't keep them forever, and we must believe we will join them again one day. Buddy is going straight to heaven, so we better work hard to pave our own path to be in his presence when our reward is realized. I know my brother Sean is there happy to see another Kelly - while sad that there are those that feel such a great loss. Sean always enjoyed time with Uncle Bud. My view of heaven may seem strange to some, as I picture Nanny Retie ready with some yummy Mac and Cheese! She was always so proud of him, right down to showing off the dents in her linoleum floor from the baseball teams cleats. How I loved being with Nanny at Agricola Str1eet, and hearing the stories of the days on the Commons, and sitting in the porch. I never got tired of hearing about Buddy (my uncle) and Ken (my father). I cherish a letter I have from Uncle Bud, written in recent years, because he calls me his favourite niece! Of course I was the only neice he had, but that didn't matter. He had a way of making people feel important and loved. Memories of Halifax include times at Queensland Beach, oh so long ago! I know that my uncle was one that made an impact on so many lives from his early baseball years through his successful real estate career and on the golf course. He is gone but not forgotten! We have been thinking of you all .... MUCH LOVE is sent your way from Lisa Marie (Kelly) Wood and Kenneth Michael (2nd Generation "PUPPER") Kelly.
G Franklyn Hiscock posted a condolence
Tuesday, June 11, 2024
To buddy's family. I met him at Ashburn 30 years ago and I always enjoyed his company, competitive spirit and comradeshipon the course and after at the 19th hole.
Buddy was an easy guy to be around, and laughter carried the day. I am glad to finally read his obituary as I wondered about it after the first obituary announcement in March. Very nice tribute to him I must say.
Rest in peace Buddy and I hope u continue to play golf well in heaven. I am sure you will.
May God love Buddy as you all did ,and May God bless you all in your hour of sorrow.
G. Franklyn Hiscock.
Jean and Mike Crowell posted a condolence
Thursday, June 6, 2024
Dear Michael, Darren and Jeffrey.
We were so very sorry to hear of Buddy’s passing.
We met our new Berkeley neighbor shortly after we moved in. Buddy became a friend and meal mate and we enjoyed the occasional glass of wine together.
It was always a source of laughter when Buddy would approach our table and begin discussing a subject that he professed to be phenuberant. We would heartily agree much to the confusion of others at the table.
So, we will raise a phenuberant glass in honour of our friend. Cheers Buddy.
Ashley lit a candle
Tuesday, June 4, 2024

Grampa Buddy was such an amazing person. I am so thankful for the times we had together. From being a little kid and shelling peanuts on the brown lazy boy watching sports, to drinking rum and cokes watching hockey games together as an adult and all the times in between. Great conversations in Florida, lobster dinners in Halifax, turn by turn directions to get to the beach. He will always live on in our hearts and memories. Love you Buddy
The family of Edward David Kelly uploaded a photo
Monday, June 3, 2024

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Terry Iceton posted a condolence
Wednesday, May 1, 2024
Sorry to hear of Edward`s passing
Reast in peace old friend
Terry Iceton

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