Tribute Wall

Karen and Kern Young lit a candle
Thursday, September 19, 2024

Mike Hollett posted a condolence
Monday, September 16, 2024
an awesome man/ angel always doing Gods work. now gone to be with his eternal family! God Bless Wayne u mwill be missed!
Anita posted a condolence
Saturday, September 14, 2024
Sorry for your loss. Cynthia Hartlen and Anita
Christine Hilverda posted a condolence
Saturday, September 14, 2024
I have fond memories growing up across the street from the Hollett family. I would always holler across the road to say good morning to Mr. Hollett while waiting for the school bus. He always gave me a wave and a smile. He was always supportive of any school fundraising we were doing and was just a wonderful person all around. I am grateful to have known him. My sincerest condolences to the Hollett family.
-Christine Hilverda (Boudreau)
Mark, Karin and the Parsons family. posted a condolence
Saturday, September 14, 2024
Ronnie, Jennifer and family,
So saddened to hear of Wayne’s passing. We have fond memories of you all as next door neighbours on Bluestone Rd. Your dad always had a friendly hello whenever we saw him years later. Our Mom looked forward to receiving his Christmas card every year with his well wishes and blessings.
He was a loving soul.
Margaret yeadon posted a condolence
Friday, September 13, 2024
Wayne was a great person. He always had a smile when ever you talked to him. We was just a thoughtful man always bringing things up to us . He loved to bake and he loved his garden. When you met Wayne at end conversation he would always say god bless have a good day now. He so good to my parents. When my mom got sick he was always coming up for visit and bringing his famous cookies.”
After she passed away he was still coming up for visits and bringing stuff up for dad and helping him out anyway he could. That meant the world to me. Wayne was our neighbour and a friend. He will be so missed. Harper family. Ivan Margie and chris
Colin Bignell lit a candle
Thursday, September 12, 2024

My thoughts and prayers goes out to the family.
We grew up together in the village. He stayed with our family when a tragic house fire happened.
Colin L Bignell
Sylvia posted a condolence
Thursday, September 12, 2024
So very sorry to hear about Uncle Wayne. I Remeber him as a kind living funny man. MY sincerest condolences to all who loved him. RIP uncle Wayne from Cookie (Sylvia, daughter to the late Linda HOLLETT)
Sherry Flemming uploaded photo(s)
Thursday, September 12, 2024

Uncle Wayne was a constant presence of loving family and faith in my life from the time I was a child, and even as an adult, he never missed a birthday not even for my husband and our children. They all loved him too. When we moved to Purcells Cove, he would frequently stop in with gifts from his garden or to share deals that he scored at the grocery store, and to join us for dinner. He would often bring homemade treats that he made himself and would always give the credit to Aunt Maryann for how delicious they were even though she passed years ago. When his mobility prevented him from coming to see us I would go to visit him and always left inspired by his unwavering faith despite his deteriorating condition. He never missed a family function, and even attended my sister’s wedding 12 days before he passed.
Above all, he was a model for graciously accepting suffering and trusting in God’s redemptive transformation of suffering. He kept the faith until the very end despite suffering with ALS. The day before he passed I had the privilege of visiting him while he was enjoying music therapy. He was praising God in his final hours and I’m sure he was doing the same when it came time to meet Him face to face.
His loving and caring presence will be greatly missed and fond memories of him will always be in my heart. May he enjoy eternal rest in the arms of Jesus.
Amanda Oakley posted a condolence
Wednesday, September 11, 2024
Death is an unpleasant part of life. In my opinion it is the hardest part of life, and something I truly hate.
Although with aging and illness I don't think anyone would want to endure it forever.
We will all die and our lives will be concluded.
One of the most difficult tasks must be to summarize a persons life.
Though that is our custom and tradition whenever somebody dies.
We tend to consider the person; who they were, and what they meant to us.
Looking back over the years and drawing from our memories is all that we can do, because for all that we have seen and know to be true there is far more unknown to us.
A persons internal thoughts and feelings can never be truly known or experienced by any other person despite their ability to empathize.
Only we know what we have gone through. Only we know our own joys and sorrows. No other person can experience life as we have.
Only God truly knows our heart and our mind.
Wayne Hollett was a man of God. A true believer full of faith and practice. He knew with strong conviction that Jesus Christ was his Lord and Saviour.
Everyday he lived his life for the Lord. He studied the word. He attended mass. He lived as a true Christian with generosity and love. Living as an active member of the community he devoted his life to his family, friends, and anyone he found in need.
He was an outstanding role model in the way he lived and the way he loved.
As a young man he met his one true love Maryanne. They married and had two beautiful children, Ronnie and Jennifer. He was very proud of his family and loved them very much.
As a devoted husband he spent many years providing a wholesome life for his family.
In their later years Maryanne was diagnosed with MS. He never left her side and provided the very best of care to her.
With his God given strength and patience he doting on her every need and she was never institutionalized. She was able to live out her life in the comfort of her own home with the unending love and attention of her adoring husband.
Their love story was one to be admired. Filled with many examples of faith and commitment to each other.
After her passing he remained committed to their marriage. He attended her grave site with diligence, and never remarried or took a companion. His love for Maryanne was too great and lived in his heart everyday.
Wayne was a good father. He kept his family together and provided for their needs. When his children were young he kept a watchful eye, and as they became adults he gave them space to make their own lives, and was always only a phone call away if ever needed.
He was a loving son, brother, and uncle. Always participating and being helpful. He was a very considerate man. Always giving cards on occasions and letting everyone know that they were not forgotten, but thought of and prayed for.
His talent for gardening was exceptional. His garden like his life was quite abundant and he shared the fruits of his labour with many. He was a hard worker; truth be told, and a shinning example of what a man can and should be. Always there and thoughtful.
Uncle Wayne has been so loved by our family and we will miss him greatly.
I am quite confident that he is well aware of how much he meant to all of us, as he looks upon us from heaven in the presence of Jesus.
In loving memory of Wayne Hollett.
The Oakley Family.
Edna uploaded photo(s)
Wednesday, September 11, 2024

Edna Oakley posted a condolence
Wednesday, September 11, 2024
Today in the loving memory of my brother Wayne. We share the joy and gift that his life was to us, and the pain his passing brings.
We have so many cherished memories of Wayne from our humble beginnings.
Wayne was one of ten little Catholic children born to Donnie and Aileen Hollett of 33 Parkhill Rd. in Jollymore Village:
Junior (Donald Joseph), Linda (Josephine), Wayne, Donna, Robbert, Keith, Edna, Peter and Paul (twin boys-premature), and Sharon. Giving us a full house and priceless memories.
Wayne always had a love and fear of God. He fought the good fight! "Wayne's style!"
Wherever there was need Wayne would roll up his sleeves to fit the bill.
The world is poorer without him, and heaven is richer.
After 19 years of caring for Maryanne he lost the love of his life on June 9th, 2013.
Afterward he accepted a place at our families table bringing new life and laughter. No matter the occasion Christmas, Easter, Thanksgiving, Birthdays, etc...
Wayne was always early and ready to help in the kitchen. Brining his much enjoyed treats, whether he baked or bought; never empty handed.
Wayne's absence leaves a great sadness and loss in our hearts and home. We love and miss him dearly.
God be with you Wayne until we meet again.
Sister Edna, Wayne and family.
The family of Wayne Michael Hollett uploaded a photo
Tuesday, September 10, 2024

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